Sapphire - gemstone for September

The Allure of Sapphires: A Journey Through History, Beauty, and Symbolism.

Sapphires, with their stunning hues and remarkable durability, have captivated humanity for centuries. More than just a gemstone, they encapsulate rich histories, deep symbolism and purported healing qualities.


In ancient Persia it was believed that the Earth rested on a giant sapphire, casting its blue reflection across the sky.
In ancient Rome sapphires were favoured by the elite, signifying purity and wisdom. They were also thought to protect the wearer from envy and harm.
In the Middle Ages sapphires were associated with the Divine, worn by clergy and royalty alike to symbolise heaven and faith.


Sapphires are primarily known for their deep blue colour, but they actually come in a variety of shades, including pink, yellow, green and even colourless. These are referred to as fancy sapphires, with each colour possessing its own unique charm. However the most prized are the cornflower blue sapphires. They are known for their hardness, second only to diamonds, making them suitable for everyday wear. Possessing a high refractive index they can create a dazzling effect.


To quote the jewellery designer Katherina Damilos, who is a full member at JeDeCo: 

 "I always liked the typical blue sapphire but felt that it was too 'grown up'. It's when I discovered the alternative hues that I was hooked. Beautiful lilacs, purples and pinks, which are all my colours. And the intense sparkle of sapphires means that even small gemstones add their magic and make any piece special."


And the jewellery designer Laura Parra who is also a full member of JeDeCo says:

 "No two pieces of sapphire are the same, each one telling its own story through its singular beauty and subtle variation. Sapphires can withstand great heat without losing any brilliance." Laura incorporates them into her wax models during the lost wax casting method, creating a unique piece each time.


Sapphires are mined in various locations around the world, with notable sources known for their unique qualities and colours. These include Sri Lanka, Thailand, Australia, Montana USA, Africa and Afghanistan. Each mining region produces sapphires with distinct characteristics, contributing to their overall rarity and appeal. The combination of geological conditions, types of mineral deposits and unique local craftsmanship all influence the quality and beauty of the sapphires sourced from these areas.


Whether worn as a statement piece or cherished for their symbolic and healing properties, sapphires continue to enchant hearts across the globe. Let the gorgeous hues of sapphires remind us of the beauty that exists both in nature and within ourselves!